Women. Change. Creativity. 100 years Ago and Now.

What do women need in order to write, be creative, fulfil their potential? The writer Virginia Woolf claimed it was ‘ A room of one’s own’  and wrote about this in the book with that title. I am back now in my sanctuary room at Navasola and adding a few more finishing touches to my novel. I am struggling a bit with the time needed to fully prepare for self publishing and still trying to be noticed by agents I send the work to. 12 weeks wait now!

Looking at what I have needed in the past I am grateful to those who fought for our right to vote in the UK. I am also grateful to all those who pressed for better working conditions and maternity rights. Without these steps life would be quite different today.

In Manchester we were fortunate to go to some art exhibitions linked to those in the suffragette movement. It is one hundred years since women were given the vote. One very creative artist who painted and drew working women in the North of England gave up her art work to devote all her time to the suffragette cause. A loss for Art ? A gain for all women. Some of her work is below and can be seen in the Manchester Art Gallery.

Sylvia Pankhurst, daughter of Emily Pankhurst, was a trained artist and went on a journey to various places to record the lives of working women in 1907. The Pankhurst family are famous for their leading role in the Votes for women/ suffragette movement. This collection belongs to her granddaughter.

After seeing this collection we thought this would have made a wonderful book and record of the lives of women like our grandmothers. One friend’s mother worked in the potteries. Here the use of lead had terrible effects on health. My granddaughter, Olivia’s great, great Aunt started work at age 14 in the Bolton spinning mills. However, Sylvia Pankhurst was compelled to spend all her time on the Votes for Women campaign and all those women worked tirelessly to create the change needed for our generation.

During my time in the U.K. I have been attending to all the wonderful stuff that we women often have to attend to. Family and friends and looking to the future.

I have enjoyed watching my baby granddaughter go through some amazing changes in the past two months. From beginning to grasp with one hand to coordinating both hands to bring things to her mouth. Getting ready to feed herself?  Rolling one way and getting stuck to rolling both ways and onto stomach and back. Getting ready to move herself along! And lots of sounds as she experiments with her voice.  But the most amazing smiles as she has fun and recognises us.

It seems important to really stand up for the right to a clean and safe environment and to protect our planet and the natural world from further destruction. The young people of this century deserve this and our generation must listen and respond with actions.

Spain and Navasola have been busy too, responding to events. Thankfully a lot of rain in the Sierra has created much green and new running streams at the finca. In Spain,  there have been some amazing marches all over the country for women on International women’s day.

View from my sanctuary room for writing.







I can also only salute and give support to the young people of America suffering from the effects of gun crime and their determination to overcome personal tragedy and create a safer society.

Change has happened. Change will happen.

Sometimes as with Sylvia Pankhurst we have to sacrifice our own individual creativity in order to give time to create the changes that are needed. Sometimes we have to harness that creativity to be part of the changes needed.

In love and hope to all who follow my blog or just pass by.

27 thoughts on “Women. Change. Creativity. 100 years Ago and Now.”

  1. Gorgeous reflections- I send solidarity and thanks from Australia! Women rock. Here’s my quick post from International Women’s Day, in case you missed it:

    Happy International Women’s Day, hell yeah!

    It is so true that we rise up on the shoulders of others’, and need to offer our support to the ones coming up… the young women in America protesting now just make me weep with love and pride! An amazing antidote to Trump.

    Best of luck with your writing, G : )

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Georgina – best of luck with the novel!
    I think women have come a long way but there is still a long way to go! There’s a constant struggle.
    Friends and family take up a lot of time but are so rewarding! Your granddaughter sounds great.
    Spain looks grand!!
    Life is full!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi 🙂 Love seeing the beautiful smile of your granddaughter! I imagine it is a wonder to watch her grown and learn how to maneuver and figure out the world. Thank you for including the photos of the art. I agree that the art plus stories of the woman would make an interesting book. Back when I was young and taking history classes, I thought they would be much more interesting if I was reading about the lives of the people rather than having to memorize list of battles. The scene out of your window is beautiful. I am happy to hear you have had rain there. Good luck with your story! I enjoyed reading it. I was wishing it kept going which is a sure sign of a good story, in my opinion. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Sarah, it means a lot that you’ve read it and feel the way you do. I just gave to keep going and there’s so much more being commented and reported on biodiversity at present. I have a continuation in mind! Will catch up soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A beautiful post,Georgina – full of history and personal reflection. First I wish you the best of luck with your novel. 12 weeks is quite a long time … have you perhaps tried giving the agents a call and see what they say? It might give a little nudge to them! I had no idea Sylvia Pankhurst was an artist … these paintings are a gem and what a wonderful exhibition. Finally, your granddaughter looks delightful, full of charm, so alert and sweet. Wishing you a very Happy Easter! Annika

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the photos of your granddaughter! She has a beautiful smile. How good to be able to watch her grow and progress!
    I liked the paintings by Sylvia Pankhurst you have included in your post – I wonder how difficult she found it, giving up her art to work for the suffragette cause? I hope you manage to get your book published soon, Georgina.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Clare, I think Sylvia’s life must have been very driven by the cause. Thanks for your comments it has been wonderful to spend time with my granddaughter over the past two months and now I can revisit my novel so no rush I suppose with that but babies grow fast!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve never written a book but I do like early mornings and peace and quiet for my scribbles. I was at an exhibition in South Shields recently and there was a video running on the struggles for emancipation. Harrowing the things some of them went through. You’re right- we need a bit of grit and determination to start fixing things around here. 🙂 🙂 And, as Anabel says, Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A charming post, Georgina. We stand at a point of history where no women have stood before, and it is daunting. I believe that as we women find our individual and collective voices, we will foster a gentler, kinder, more civilized attitude towards life in all its forms.

    Your granddaughter is a cutie.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I hope you’ve had some luck with your novel by now and that you’re able to be out and about and enjoying the spring in your wonderful part of Spain. Your granddaughter is gorgeous! I’ve just been blessed with my sixth grandchild, so now have 4 girls and 2 boys to enjoy as much as I can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds wonderful and hope they are all near by, I find the distance a little difficult but we do video calls and She gave me such a smile. I am still trying with the novel and have had a positive rejection! Will keep on as have had some good reviews from those who have read it.

      Liked by 1 person

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